Let me first recap the stagnation of your party over the past 15 years. I'm sure you and your trusted advisors are already aware of this. But for the benefit of aam aadmi like us, it is worth repeating here.

In the 2009 Lok Sabha election, which also proved to be the best for your party in many years, the Congress secured a total of 11.9 crore votes. The total number of electors at that time stood at 71.

7 crore. While the number of voters has grown by a staggering 26.4 crore since then, Congress's votes have inched up by only 1.

76 crore over the past 15 years. In contrast, your rival, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has seen its votes tally nearly trebling—from 7.8 crore in the 2009 elections to 23.

6 crore in 2024. Does this ever bother you? Do you have a plan to address it? You are free to blame the BJP's divisive politics and the “ Suit Boot ki Sarkar ” they have allegedly promoted since 2014. You have every right to raise the spectre of “ Samvidhan Khatre Mein Hai ” (the Constitution is in danger).

But does this help you regain lost ground? Does it prevent your party's accelerated decline? If it does, you should go full throttle and use it to its maximum potential. The fact is, your constant name-calling and attacks on India's business and consumer sentiment have directly impacted the financial well-being of people like us. How can you expect the 22 crore Indians to take you seriously when you continue to pose a threat to their financial security—a risk that .