I read with interest, online, Summit Daily News publisher Nicole Miller’s letter to readers regarding changes coming to the weekend editions. Most interesting to me were her remarks regarding the growth of the paper’s digital footprint. I’m sure there are readers who will lament the inevitable transition of their favorite newspaper to an online format.

And while I can understand those concerns, I’ve been on that analog-to-digital curve for a while now, and I can tell you all — it’s gonna be OK. My trip down that road began with converting my library of cassette tapes to MP3. It was a yearlong project, but the mobility and easy access it gave to my music library was huge for me.

Soon after, I quit buying albums and made the transition to streaming services. With that change I gained access to millions of titles, something I’d never have were I still librarying up an album or a track at a time. When it comes to my preferred reading medium, I’m well down the road to fully digital already.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved newsprint, and the Summit Daily has been the last bastion of that endearing tradition for me. Reading hardcopy newspapers has a long history with me, including very early and fond childhood memories of lying on the family room floor on Sunday mornings reading the “funnies” with my dad and siblings. Later, the newspaper was central to my morning routine, always open on the kitchen table while I prepared and ate breakfast.

I especially.