The do not like to be watched while eating...

or walking. was very nervous of the late and was mocked for her curtsey. Meghan Markle was celebrated for hers.

Some of the revelations in Craig Brown’s upcoming biography about the royal family, , might be more surprising than others. The book, which is released tomorrow, sees the royal writer turn his attention to the late Queen Elizabeth II and it is packed with fun, fizzy recollections, from anecdotes about washing-up gloves to the late Queen’s go-to beauty hacks. From ’s uncle’s vast pornography collection to Charles’ confusion over a teabag, here are some of the things we learnt.

Once a year, anyway. After the annual Balmoral DIY barbecue , Tony Blair reports, pops her Marigolds on and does the washing up. “You sit there having eaten, the Queen asks you if you’ve finished, she stacks the plates and goes off to the sink”.

In 1944 Prince Philip sent the Queen a photograph of himself for Christmas. It was well received – “she danced round the room with it for joy!” For such a relentlessly observed bunch of people, it’s perhaps not surprising that behind closed doors, they do not like to be watched. Invisibility is key, “Do not look anyone in the eye.

.. The Royal Family does not like to be watched while eating”.

They also don’t like to be watched while walking. “Maids would dart into a walk-in cupboard under the stairs so as not to be seen when the Queen was coming down the main hall”. Prince Ha.