Living in Summit County is a dream. We are surrounded by natural wonder and the best outdoor recreation in the United States. But life here is also difficult, particularly for workers confronting the high cost of housing.

We are constantly reminded that the influx of tourists and the dollars they bring fuels our county’s economy. But the truth is, our county’s heart is kept beating by the workforce that makes life here possible. This Labor Day, take the day off, enjoy a barbecue with friends and family, indulge in an end-of- summer sale or back-to-school shopping — but also make sure you say thank you.

Thank you to the workers at our supermarkets who keep the shelves stocked and the lines moving. Thank you to the plow drivers and road maintenance crews who, despite often unforgiving weather, keep the roads safe and the traffic moving. Thank you to the teachers who educate our children.

Thank you to the police, firefighters, nurses, doctors and first responders who work to protect our health and well-being. Thank you to the ski patrol who keep us safe on the mountain. Thank you to the county and nonprofit employees who put on a myriad of festivals and events that make our community an amazing place to live.

For example, this year’s Breckenridge International Festival of the Arts contained an incredible array of events that would be impressive in a county with ten times the population. Thank you to the bus drivers who transport us all over the county. Thank you to the b.