Passengers using Swindon bus station have reported feeling unsafe at night - particularly women who find themselves walking alone in the dark. One woman posted her concerns on social media after a man with a bike allegedly approached her while she was waiting for the bus and started asking her if she would “go back to his house”, but when she rejected the offer, he said he would give her money in return. She described his behaviour as “pestering” and said he eventually left her alone after he shouted “are you serious?”.

This report has galvanised others to share their experiences and fears about the bus station and Swindon's Bus Company has confirmed that following reports of passengers feeling "uncomfortable", their services were diverted at the end of July to stop elsewhere after 7pm. One comment said: “A scary place the bus station, even for a male on his own.” Another read: “He’s been there before I’m sure, maybe not the same guy but the same thing happened to a friend of mine and he was on a bike.

” “There’s always something happening at the bus station, it’s really an intimidating place now," said another person. "Not sure if security guards put in place might help. While one commenter said: “I always worry about women at that bus station once darkness falls, it’s so secluded.

" “The place is threatening and dangerous to the people of Swindon at the best of times and after sundown, it’s worse," added another local. Andrew Sherrington,.