Tuesday, July 16, 2024 OpenELA boosts Linux source accessibility with a new automated system, offering rapid and reliable access to the latest RHEL versions for developers and vendors. The Open Enterprise Linux Association (OpenELA) has implemented an automated system that releases new enterprise Linux sources shortly after each new version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is launched. The latest packages, including those for RHEL 9.

4 and RHEL 8.10, are now accessible at https://github.com/orgs/openela-main/repositories.

This swift action by OpenELA highlights its role as a valuable resource for independent software vendors (ISVs), independent hardware vendors (IHVs), processor manufacturers, independent developers, and others who require prompt, dependable, and secure access to enterprise Linux sources for their downstream projects. “Anyone interested in creating a downstream build can access the OpenELA repositories to access the sources they need,” said Gregory Kurtzer , CEO, CIQ and a founding member of OpenELA. “Since we don’t create the actual build and simply provide reliable access to the sources, we can move quickly and empower the entire open source ecosystem to accelerate the development and delivery of their enterprise Linux builds.

” “If you create a downstream build, we welcome you to join OpenELA,” said Alan Clark , member of the office of the CTO, SUSE and a founding member of OpenELA. “The ability of OpenELA to move quickly in providing the s.