Despite the fact that the USSR tried to make everyone equal and the same, it was easy to single out the wealthier people from the crowd. Social inequality was not only in the distribution of housing, goods or cars. Some food, which today is considered quite ordinary, in the USSR was available only to a select few.

About it in more detail read in the material OBOZ.UA. In the Soviet Union, the deficit was a widespread phenomenon, concerning almost all spheres of life, including food products.

However, even in times of total shortages, some people with means, influence and connections, could afford premium products, unavailable to the majority. Hard cheese In the Soviet Union, cheese was a far cry from the everyday product we are used to seeing on our tables today. Most of the cheeses available to ordinary citizens were processed and were not of high quality.

Hard varieties such as Parmesan, Camembert or Cheddar were considered truly rare and were only available to officials and influential people. On the tables of ordinary people you could see only "Russian", "Yaroslavsky" or "Dutch" cheese. Sea delicacies Today, shrimp, mussels and other seafood can be found in any supermarket, but in the USSR it was a luxury available only to a select few and residents of maritime regions.

The most common seafood on the tables of ordinary people was ordinary herring, and fish such as perch, pollock or trout were a real scarcity. However, the elite could afford to eat shrimp, oysters and even .