If you're in the mood for an Olympic-themed brainteaser , then try this one out - but you need excellent vision to solve it. Brainteasers are an excellent way of keeping our brains healthy and happy, especially after a long day at work staring at a computer screen. According to the American Academy of Ophthamology, optical illusions and brainteasers are designed to play tricks on your eyes and confuse your brain, which can help keep your mind active.

As well as being a good laugh, they help us to understand vision better and "demonstrate how closely our eyes and brain work together". Many scientists think that the illusion itself is created when the data received by our eyes conflicts with our brain's interpretation of the information. With the brain unable to make sense of what the eye is picking up, it reverts to previous experience and turns the unfamiliar into something our mind has perceived before Created by the gaming experts over at SpinGenie, the aim is to quickly spot the athlete among the many featured in this image.

wearing the number 1 bib. If you manage to spot it in less than three seconds, you deserve a gold medal because only people with 20/20 vision can manage this amazing feat. However, to claim the win, you need to be super speedy - as only 42 per cent of people who attempted the fiddly brain-teaser managed to solve it in a quick three seconds.

Be warned, we're about to give the answer so if you don't want to know where the number one is hiding, please don.