By Lex Harvey , Aug 22: Sphen, an Australian gentoo penguin who became an unlikely global symbol for equality, has died from apparent natural causes at age 11, the aquarium in Sydney where he resided said Thursday. Sphen rose to global fame in 2018 when he partnered with fellow male gentoo penguin Magic after the two were spotted waddling around and swimming together before breeding season. The same-sex penguin power couple known as “Sphengic” inspired millions with their unshakeable bond and heartwarming family.

Together they raised two chicks: Lara, 6, and Clancy, 4. To help Magic, aged 8, process the tragic loss, aquarium staff took him to see Sphen “so that he could understand why his partner wouldn’t return,” the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium said in a statement. “He immediately started singing, which was beautifully reciprocated by the colony.

” Richard Dilly, the aquarium’s general manager said: “The loss of Sphen is heartbreaking to the penguin colony, the team and everyone who has been inspired or positively impacted by Sphen and Magic’s story.” “We want to take this opportunity to reflect and celebrate Sphen’s life, remembering what an icon he was,” he added. Sphen lived a full life for a gentoo penguin, a species with an average life span of roughly 12 to 13 years.

The power couple dubbed "Sphengic" inspired millions with their love story. SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium He and Magic shared an inseparable bond – the two were often seen together out.