The rule will be applied to all airports and airlines in the European Union from next month. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters UK holidaymakers planning to fly to Europe should know that an important hand luggage rule is to return to EU airports next week. For the past two decades, air travellers have been well aware of the restrictions on carrying liquids over 100mls in their hand luggage .

All liquids must fit into a small bag when passing through airport security. This rule was introduced back in 2006 following the discovery of a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks on several transatlantic flights, reports Dublin Live . However, with advancements in technology for scanning liquids, passengers travelling through certain airports may have noticed new machines that scan liquids more effectively.

This means there's no need to remove them from your bag or, in some cases, adhere to the volume of liquids rules. Back in April, Aberdeen International Airport became one of a selection of UK airports that scrapped these hand liquid rules entirely. However, a U-turn has since been announced, with no confirmation on when this rule will be axed again.

Starting from September 1, travel guidelines will revert to the universal standard of restricting liquids in carry-ons .