One Piece Chapter 1128 Spoilers & Manga Plot Leaks By The highly anticipated have finally surfaced, sparking buzz among fans eager to dive into the next chapter’s mysteries. After the previous chapter left Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates stranded in a massive, puzzle-like castle on Elbaf Island, the latest promise to take the story in an unexpected direction. With shocking revelations and action-packed sequences, these One Piece manga leaks have provided plenty of speculation and excitement.

So, what exactly do the spoilers reveal about the next chapter? Here’s everything you need to learn. List of One Piece Chapter 1128 spoilers Below is a list of all the spoilers for the manga, One Piece chapter 1128 released on X (formerly known as ). According to recent leaks, the title of chapter 1128 of One Piece will be RPG.

Additionally, the cover story of this issue showcases the Straw Hat Pirates in a brand-new set of wizard-themed costumes, flying on brooms alongside a dragon. The issue starts with Usopp, Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji jumping down from the Bigstein castle, which they soon realize is entirely made of LEGO blocks. While Sanji is holding Nami in his arms, the straw hats look at the Yggdrasil tree, a significant landmark in the kingdom, and Luffy reprimands Usopp for failing to defeat a gigantic cat earlier.

The One Piece plot leaks further reveal that the island the Straw Hats believed to be Elbaf is actually something entirely different. After encountering a man in a Gi.