Directed by and starring Oscar winners, the gangster thriller has an 85% Rotten Tomatoes score. Set in 1956 Chicago, the film follows an English tailor named Leonard (Oscar-winner Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies) who owns a shop in the US city where he makes beautiful clothes for the only people that can afford them – a vicious mobster family. One fateful night, however, Leonard finds himself entangled in the crime family's business, whose demands of the tailor have him "stitching up more than just their wardrobes".

Released in 2022, The Outfit was co-written and directed by Graham Moore (another Oscar-winner for his screenplay for The Imitation Game) and features a great ensemble cast including Dylan O'Brien (The Maze Runner), Johnny Flynn (Ripley), Nikki Amuka-Bird (Knock at the Cabin), Simon Russell Beale (The Death of Stalin) and Zoey Deutch (Set It Up). Taking place entirely within Leonard's tailor shop, the movie's inventive, twisty screenplay – as well as its claustrophobic setting, stylish..

. Stephen Porzio.