Now that the gates have closed and the last of the visitors have filed out, the Nevada County Fairgrounds crew can take a brief moment to reflect back on this year’s “Carnival Lights and Treat Street Delights,” five day run of the 2024 Nevada County Fair. “It was another great year with a ton of great exhibits between livestock, entertainment, the carnival..

.everything came together nicely,” said Andrew Trygg, Chief Executive Officer of Nevada County Fairgrounds. Trygg added that as of Monday afternoon, fair staff were still tabulating total numbers in regards to attendance, as well as the total amounts raised during the Ag Mechanics and livestock auctions.

“A great number of people are working on tabulating all those numbers,” said Trygg. For the second year, attendees of the fair found their ride and carnival tickets in kiosks, which were largely self-serve with attendants available to answer questions. “They started (that system) last year this is the second year of cashless for Butler Amusements,” Trygg reported.

“Last year it was a shock but this year it seemed to be well received. They are able to put out more kiosks, then lines move quicker and process is simpler.” Trygg said that there were no notable incidences during this year’s fair, and that any trouble was quickly mitigated.

“There were law enforcement concerns on Saturday evening that were addressed. We’re happy to work with the Sheriff’s Office and have their support in keeping peo.