Baldur’s Gate 3 players shared their experience with one particular race that makes the whole of Act 1 feel like a walk in the park. The beauty of Baldur’s Gate 3 is that the whole playthrough can be a different experience, depending on the race you picked. Not just when it comes to combat, but also dialogue options and the way companions as well as NPCs react to you.

Out of all the races in the game, however, there’s one race that has a lot of reactivity in the game other than the Githyanki . To top it off, this race also makes Act 1 a breeze since you can get away with so many things other races would normally struggle with. And that race is none other than the Underdark elf, Drow, as players have discussed in a Reddit thread .

As a Drow, you essentially get to choose between a Lolth-Sworn and Seldarine, the latter often being referred to as the “good” version. Regardless of which one you choose, a lot of characters you meet on the surface will still be scared, alert, or even impressed with you. Not to mention, as a Drow, evil NPCs, including the goblins, would be naturally afraid of you, which makes going inside their camp a walk in the park.

One user in the comments even went as far as labeling this race as “the cheat code for Act 1.” “Everyone is scared of you and they let you in without any fights or persuasion checks. They automatically assume that you’re a True Soul,” explained a different user.

One example of this is the interaction when you get c.