A joyous moment was witnessed at the Sub-District Hospital (SDH), Tangmarg when a 30-year-old woman successfully delivered triplets without the need of a cesarean or C-section, doctors and officials said. The woman, hailing from the remote area of Baba Rishi in north Kashmir’s Baramulla experienced labour pain at her house, following which a local asha (nurse) was called who was able to assist the woman in delivering the baby. However, the placenta still appeared to carry something, BMO Tangmarg, Dr.

Zahoor told Greater Kashmir. The SDH Tangmarg then received a call about the situation, following which they sent an ambulance to bring the woman to the hospital, Dr. Zahoor said.

At the SDH, woman was worked upon by some experienced doctors including senior consultant gynaecologist, Dr. Zainab Drabo, making the woman deliver other two babies naturally, without any complications, said Dr. Zahoor.

“Everyone including mother and babies are fine,” Zahoor said. However, they are presently admitted at the hospital for precautionary measures. “We will observe them till tomorrow, and if everything remains fine, they will be discharged,” he said.

Although babies are in good health, one of them is said to be of less weight and is kept in an incubator for preventive reasons, Dr. Zahoor told Greater Kashmir. He said that the presence of senior staff including doctors and staff sisters made the environment like a tertiary care, hence, making the procedure healthy and positive.
