For those thoughts we wish to be reality One of my favorite authors growing up was Shakti Gawain, who wrote Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life. At the airport recently, while waiting for a flight, I wrote this narrative as a downtime daydream writing activity inspired by that book. They say that writing down a dream is a powerful tool, so I am going to use it to my best advantage.

Here it goes. A decent life In a bustling city where skyscrapers pierce the sky and the hum of daily life never ceases, there exists a community of smart and hardworking people. These individuals do not seek the bare minimum to survive, as basic needs are for the wild animals and insects around us.

Instead, they desire what many consider fundamental to human dignity—a decent life. Food security Imagine living in a place where affordable food is within everyone’s reach. Here, the simple act of buying nutritious food for your family doesn’t force you to choose between eating and paying the rent.

In this ideal world, no parent has to see their child’s health suffer because of an empty wallet. Affordable markets flourish, and the joy of cooking meals that nourish both body and soul becomes a daily reality, not a rare luxury. In this place, communities thrive with gardens, farms, and local markets that ensure fresh, healthy food is always accessible.

Schools and workplaces promote wellness, offering cooking classes and nutrition educatio.