Modular homes could be the innovative solution to a growing housing crisis in regional Australia, industry experts say. Login or signup to continue reading Addressing the Regional Australia Institute (RAI) national summit on Wednesday, RAI senior economist Diwa Hopkins said worker accommodation in regional areas was a top priority. More than 166,000 people moved to the regions over the last census period , previous RAI reports obtained by ACM said - a number that housing supply could not keep up with.

According to the state government, there are 20,000 jobs currently advertised for regional NSW. Meanwhile Victoria needs an additional 83,400 workers by 2025 to meet regional workforce demands, its government said. Regional local government areas see tighter rental vacancy rates than their city counterparts, according to Ms Hopkins.

In NSW, 80 out of 86 regional government areas had tight rental vacancy rates in 2021, which Ms Hopkins said saw little change in years following. That metric extended to all local government areas of regional Victoria, 32 out of 45 in regional Queensland and 18 of 21 in regional Tasmania. In some areas, vacancy rates sit as low is 0.

16 per cent, according to the RAI. Housing All Australians director Robert Pradolin said the housing shortfall was being seen nationwide. "This is a real tragedy that is happening in this country," Mr Pradolin said.

Construction shortages and rising material costs were also a challenge. However panellists said "boldness".