One keyword that Dr Bisi Ste­phen Onasanya, the chairman of The Address Homes Lim­ited and the former Group Managing Director of First Bank is generally known for is that you can take his words to the Bank and that is why he is dubbed Mr Integrity by his friends, family, professional colleagues, associates and acquaintances. So when a man known for his reserved nature added another year on Sunday, August 18, 2024, despite his preference for a low-key celebration and no-party affair, his 63rd birthday turned into a lively affair as family, friends, and associates gath­ered at his Ikoyi residence to honour the quintessential gentleman and men­tor to many. Reputed for his humility and qui­etude, Onasanya had hoped to mark the occasion without much fanfare.

However, as a figure with a towering presence in the finance, banking, and real estate sectors, it was inevitable that those whose lives he had touched would seize the opportunity to celebrate him. The gathering, though informal, was a testament to the deep respect and admiration he commands. Colleagues from his illustrious banking career, where he served as the GMD of First Bank from 2009 to 2015 impactful and illustrious service, joined forces with business partners, and families to fe­licitate with a man many regard as a beacon of integrity, selflessness, kind­ness and professionalism.

The dignitaries that attended the event include Akin Fanimokan, a non-executive Director and former Chief Operating Officer of First .