Spice Girls perform Wannabe at the London Olympics Viewers of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony found themselves longing for a return to the London 2012 event as they reminised about "genius" Danny Boyle's spectacular show. The acclaimed movie director oversaw events for the opening and closing ceremonies that year and created a powerful production that has gone down in Olympic history. Tonight's offering from the French was dubbed "the worst in history" and also proved a washout as persistant rain led to a lack of enthusiasm from the damp crowds who had turned out to watch.

Disapppointed fans took to X to compare it to Danny's "wonderful and memorable" production. @nicopappo speculated: "Danny Boyle must be feeling very smug. This OC has looked patchy, disjointed and not very entertaining.

2012 was wonderful and memorable. #OpeningCeremony." @BORO_1971 agreed writing: "UK set and still is the benchmark for an opening ceremony.

Much credit to Danny Boyle who smashed it out of the park." @McGeeMatthew reminised: "The Olympic Rings, forged from the flames of the Industrial Revolution, hanging over the stadium, was a marvellous sight, and the choice of a group of teenagers to light the flame was inspired. Danny Boyle is a genius.

" READ MORE: Olympics viewers issue same complaint as Lady Gaga performs Danny Boyle was behind the highly praised opening ceremony for the London 2012 Olympics (Image: Getty) @SimonHemelryk opined: "This is a very long reminder of the brilliance of Da.