French complained Saturday about alleged "mockery of Christianity" during the norm-breaking opening ceremony of the which has upset and drawn mixed reviews. The rain-soaked parade on Friday evening had offered "wonderful moments of beauty, joy, rich emotions, and was universally praised," a statement from the said on Saturday. "However, this ceremony unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply regret," the bishops said.

While they did not refer to specific parts, they appeared to be referring to a segment entitled "Festivity" which began with a group of dancers and drag queens sat in poses that recalled depictions of the Last Supper, the final meal Jesus is said to have taken with his apostles. It was set to music by lesbian activist DJ Barbara Butch who sat at the centre with a silver headdress that resembled a halo. "We think of all Christians across the continents who were hurt by the excesses and provocation of certain scenes," added the bishops in a statement co-signed by the "Holy Games", a sports programme funded by the Catholic church.

Conservatives and far-right politicians in France were also left aghast by what they saw as a "woke" spectacle featuring LGBT+ performers and a highly racially diverse cast. The four-hour ceremony saw athletes sail down a six-kilometre (four-mile) stretch of the river Seine on 85 boats, the first time a Summer has opened outside the main stadium. Entertainers including Lady Gaga and Franco-Mali.