The closed off by passing the torch over the United States as they set their eyes on hosting the 2028 event in Los Angeles. To celebrate and welcome in the games, some iconic performers took the stage, including a few unexpected moments. The Los Angeles committee organizing the event tapped stars like , , and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers to represent American culture and give the world a taste of what is to come.

Plus, gave a unique stunt to truly underscore how over-the-top America plans to go with the athletic competition. Fans raved about the performers, already pumped to see what will go down in four years. And, of course, attended the closing ceremony in Paris where Simone Biles got on stage to accept on the behalf of the country.

Simone, who has been a powerhouse athlete and secured 11 Olympic medals over her career, kicked off America's acceptance of the responsibility, accompanying the Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass on stage as H.E.R went off with a rendition of the United States National Anthem, a particularly key act of patriotism.

Actor Tom Cruise pumped up the crowd with a daring stunt. The adrenaline junkie, known for doing all his own risky moves in films, scaled the stadium, jumping down with only a wire to guide him. Simone handed the Olympic flag off to Tom who drove through the crowd in a motorcycle, representing the toughness in American culture.

After driving off, he appeared to take it to the Hollywood sign, officially signifying the next location. Over i.