Even though it would be nice for first marriages to last forever, sometimes the relationship doesn't turn out the way you had hoped. So when Reddit user u/throwingitfaraweigh asked the r/AskOldPeople community: "People who had a horrible first marriage, got divorced, and eventually ended up in a happy marriage, what changed? What did you learn?" people were vulnerable enough to share their stories. Here's what they said below.

2. "My first marriage started when we were too young and went on for too long because I was terrified to hurt him or to leave him and be on my own. He was/is a good person, but we weren’t compatible, and I felt like my whole life revolved around managing his anxiety and living out his version of what our lives should be.

It took me almost 20 years to realize that my life was passing me by whether I divorced or not, so I made the hard decision to do it. It cost me a lot, financially and emotionally, and cost me some friends who are the type to think that if you’re not actively being abused, you shouldn’t get divorced." "I’m married again.

We certainly have our issues, but we love each other passionately, and he’s truly my best friend in the world. I needed someone who could talk in depth about our feelings, our lives, and our relationships, who has passions to follow, and who wasn’t completely shut down by fear. I needed someone who would challenge me in good ways and who could see, accept, and love all parts of who I am.

Sometimes, I still w.