Recently, Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi called Prabhas a ‘joker’ while criticizing his performance in Kalki 2898 AD . Since then, fans of Prabhas have slammed Warsi for his comment. Even Sudheer Babu, director Ajay Bhupathi, and actor Nani have slammed Warsi for his remark about Prabhas.

Later, Twitter found an old video of filmmaker SS Rajamouli saying Hrithik Roshan is not even a patch on Prabhas. Rajamouli had said, “When Dhoom 2 released in Hindi, I felt sad that why Bollywood is getting good quality. Why don't we have heroes like Hrithik Roshan? And today, after watching the song and poster of Billa , and now we watched the trailer, now I want to say that Hrithik Roshan is nothing compared to Prabhas.

Telugu cinema has become far better than Bollywood. And now we are equal to English films.” @ssrajamouli If you cud blabber utter nonsense, then #ArshadWarsi is absolutely justified! P.

S: Acting, dance, physique, screen presence wise, #HrithikRoshan is miles ahead of #Prabhas . Hrithik, the actor can't be compared to prabhas,the pretender 😭 pic.twitter.

com/EmHeEcDsiA — Subha (@SHIBDU1193) August 20, 2024 Soon, on Reddit, Bollywood fans unearthed another video, this time of actor Allu Arjun, who compared Prabhas and Hrithik Roshan, backing Rajamouli’s aforementioned statement. He said, “Prabhas’ looks are extremely good. He does great fights and is number one in all.

As Rajamouli said, Hrithik Roshan is nothing in front of Prabhas. That’s true.” A user .