Actress and filmmaker Kangana Ranaut, who is set to release her upcoming political drama Emergency , revealed that she extended an invitation to Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra to watch the film. Emergency is based on the controversial 21-month period from 1975 to 1977 when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of emergency across India, citing internal and external threats to the nation. In a recent interview with PTI, Kangana shared details about her brief interaction with Priyanka Gandhi.

When asked if the Gandhi family had reached out regarding the movie, Kangana said, “No, no, they didn’t reach out to me, but I met Priyanka Gandhi in the Parliament. She complimented me on my work and even on my hair. So, I took the opportunity to tell her about my film Emergency and suggested she watch it.

Her response was, ‘Okay, maybe.’” Kangana expressed hope that the Gandhi family might appreciate the film if they approach it with some acceptance of the past. The movie, which marks Kangana’s solo directorial debut, sees her portraying Indira Gandhi, Priyanka and Rahul Gandhi’s grandmother and one of India’s most polarizing political figures.

A Period Drama With a Star-Studded Cast Co-produced by Zee Studios and Kangana’s Manikarnika Films, Emergency is a period political thriller featuring a stellar ensemble cast, including Anupam Kher, Satish Kaushik, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhary, and Milind Soman. The film delves into the political and so.