Pageant organiser Monyca Hawala from MH Elegant Events said this yesterday. She said the pageant is a platform for amplifying the voices of women within their community. “It’s a chance for young women in the community to have their voices heard and to become role models,” she said.

This is the first crowning of Miss Okahandja in six years. Hawala said the turnout proved that the event was highly anticipated. Contestants were judged by a panel consisting of beauty queen Martha Kautanavali and Hilde Shondondola, the founder of Hildes Women and Youth Empowerment Organisation, among others.

“The ‘wow’ moment for me was realising we had revived something which has not happened in six years. Despite the obstacles, including difficulty tracing the previous organisers and the reigning queen, we managed to pull it off,” Hawala said. The event saw nine contestants strutting the runway in outfits they had to make themselves, drawing inspiration from the town.

Peneyambeko Tutaleni said her black-and-red dress was inspired by the “ever-burning fire at Okahandja and the challenges faced by locals”. Hawala said reviving the pageant was challenging. “It was a labour of love from a dedicated team and supportive friends and family,” she said.

She hopes the new queen will use her platform to inspire and drive positive change. “Looking ahead, I envision the event evolving into a major annual event that not only celebrates beauty, but also drives community development and .