I have been to Shelter Hall a couple of times but not for a while so wanted to catch up on what’s on offer this summer. It certainly did not disappoint. If you’ve not been before the huge venue right on Brighton Seafront is at the bottom of West Street.

It has a big food hall with outlets dotted around the edge and loads more seating outside next to the beach and upstairs, which also has lovely views of the beach with more balcony seating. With a ridiculous number of covers, service would be a challenge, you’d think. But again, if you haven’t been, it has this relatively modern concept of ordering via your phone from the range of outlets.

I love table service and absolutely hate having to queue to order food with a passion. I feel it takes away from the experience. Why go out to queue up like you have been sent to prison and are at the canteen? It’s supposed to be a treat or at least a pleasurable experience.

So I was sceptical about this new process too. I may have questions, how do I like it cooked? What is in this dish? That kind of thing. Well the good news is there are lots of staff available to talk to too.

About allergens, for example. I took advantage of the process to order drinks first, great to have an aperitif before the food arrives. Then I ordered the food.

The risk is that with different outlets the food can come at different times, but every time I’ve been all the food has come out super quick, pretty much together. The setting lends itself to a re.