The upcoming short film series, "Oi Mama Na Please," directed by Omar Masum, Amit Rudra and Mehedi Hasan Rumi set for release. The series features three distinct short films. Following the unstable situation in the country after August 5, the young directors actively served the public through the "Save Rajshahi" platform by engaging in various activities, including managing traffic.

While carrying out these responsibilities, they encountered numerous unforeseen incidents that left a lasting impact on them as filmmakers. Now, they are bringing those incidents to the screen through a short film series titled "Oi Mama Na Please,"produced under the banner of Footprint Film Production. According to Footprint Film Production, the turbulent period following August 5 witnessed a series of significant and unfortunate events, which have been depicted through these three short films.

The series, titled "Oi Mama Na Please," features three short films named "Tar Chhire Geche," "Safety First," and "Abedon Mohajon." Yesterday, the first short film, "Taar Chhire Geche," was released on Footprint Film Production's official Facebook page. Director Omar Masum shared his thoughts, stating, "Following August 5, chaos erupted nationwide as people scrambled to take items from various establishments.

It became difficult to discern ownership, with individuals seizing whatever they could. During that period, we were volunteering and personally witnessed numerous such incidents." "Our project seeks to .