Youngsters at a children's home made a flamethrower, smoked cannabis, go missing and took a knife from an open kitchen safe. Teasel Close Children’s Home, in Crawley, was visited by government inspectors who found a series of shocking ‘widespread failures’ with the care, experience and educational progress of the children described as poor, and their welfare ‘not promoted or safeguarded’. The report said children had smoked cannabis in the home and garden, openly used vapes around the house and that there was a lack of respect between children and staff.

One child spent most of their days missing, only returning in the early hours. Extracts from the report: The educational progress of all children is poor. One child has attended school on a few occasions this year but spends most of their days missing from home, not returning until the early hours of the morning.

The staff do not engage the other children in any educational activities during the day as the children will often refuse to engage. The children smoke cannabis, and on some occasions, they have done this in the home or garden. Children openly use vapes around the home.

The staff have not built sufficiently strong relationships with children. They do not ensure consistent boundaries, and there is a lack of respect between children and staff. Staff have only carried out minimal work with children to explain the risks of smoking or illegal drug use or the potential impact on children’s health .

Risk plans f.