DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: Is everyone on Facebook living their best life except me? I’m having a difficult time looking at the great photos and posts about what a full and exciting life they are all living! Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: Is everyone on Facebook living their best life except me? I’m having a difficult time looking at the great photos and posts about what a full and exciting life they are all living! Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Opinion DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: Is everyone on Facebook living their best life except me? I’m having a difficult time looking at the great photos and posts about what a full and exciting life they are all living! I was a single mother who worked a demanding career while raising a family and now I’m a retired empty-nester with a big home right near the University of Manitoba but I have nobody at home to talk with or cook for. My family doesn’t live close enough to drop in regularly — they all live in the Birds Hill area. I’m lonely and don’t know what to do to make a life with some fun in it again.

I do have some nieces and nephews around university age who are very fond of me. I’d love to have them stay when they go to university, if their parents would help out financially. Is that asking too much? Should I mention it? — Lonely Auntie, Fort Richmond Dear Lonely Auntie: You are situated right near .