On April 5th 2024, this world lost a beautiful shining light. Deb Preston passed away peacefully in her home in Lister B.C.

She was 69 years young. She was a wife, daughter, mother, sister, friend and ceaselessly passionate advocate for others. She will be mourned by many.

Deb was born in Saskatoon, one of eleven children. With so many younger siblings, she naturally stepped into a leadership role from a young age, and was well known for her willingness to take on whatever was thrown at her. She became a mother at the age of twenty and by the time she turned thirty she had earned a degree and was managing a home, business and several rental properties with the love of her life, Rob.

Deb was an out of the box thinker and in 1994 she and her husband chose to leave their life in Lethbridge Alberta to start a new one in Cranbrook B.C. Here, she took on many different roles; with Interior Health (mental health support), Sprott Shaw (instructor) and REALM (board member).

She believed in creating change where it was most needed, and she supported so many people in so many ways. Above all, Deb was the Heart and Soul of her family. She is survived by her husband Rob, children Leah Preston, Kim (Brad) Roelofs, Mark Preston, Tash Ensign, her 10 grandchildren Janae & Cole Yoshinaka, Mason & Kieran Roelofs, Jaxon & Tavis Preston, Mathew, Abby, Jacob & Belle Deschambeault, and her many siblings, in-laws, nieces, nephews and friends who felt like family.

On July 13th 2024, a celebration of .