In our modern, hectic world, we're constantly on the move, balancing work, home responsibilities, and squeezing in time for friends, family, and personal pursuits. It's a relentless race against time that often spills over into how we eat, with many of us guilty of gobbling down our meals without properly chewing, rather than savouring each bite. This seemingly innocuous habit could be wreaking havoc on our digestive system.

Adrienne Benjamin, a nutritionist at ProVen Probiotics , has highlighted five surprising signs that you might not be masticating your food adequately, which could be impacting your gut health, and she offers advice on how to rectify these eating practices. Digestive issues Adrienne remarked: "One of the first signs that you might not be chewing your food properly, is bloating, gas and constipation. When food reaches the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder help break it down.

However, if food isn't well-chewed, it will arrive in the stomach and intestines in larger particles that are more difficult to break down and can ferment in the gut. The large particles can potentially be absorbed through the gut as particles that are not completely broken down, leading to these digestive issues." Heartburn Adrienne explained: "Improper chewing can contribute to heartburn or acid reflux.

When food is not adequately broken down in the mouth, larger chunks are taken into the oesophagus and travel to the stomach, causing the digestiv.