The season for enjoying summer activities in the Yankton area is slowly disappearing like a kayaker paddling beyond the horizon on the Missouri River. Rangers with the Missouri National Recreational River (MNRR), a unit of the National Park Service, have been facilitating free “Kayaking 101” clinics 9 a.m.

-noon every Wednesday at Lake Yankton since June 12 southwest of town and they will continue in 2024 through Sept. 18. There also is one scheduled during Labor Day weekend on Sunday, Sept.

1. “These clinics only focus on kayaking,” said Abby Schauer, the MNRR’s lead park ranger for interpretation, education and outreach. “Since the clinics are for beginners and the intention is to help folks feel comfortable in a kayak and learn how to paddle, Lake Yankton is the only location where we facilitate the clinics.

” Even though each kayaking clinic is designed for beginners and those new to this water activity, all are welcome to participate, though registrations are required due to the limit of 12 spots available per session. “We spend the first 30 to 45 minutes on shore learning about kayak safety, the parts of the kayak, the different strokes, how to enter/launch and land/exit a kayak safely, what to do if you fall out and how to get back into the kayak,” Schauer said. “While out on the water, participants get a chance to practice their newly learned skills, play water games, tour around Lake Yankton and learn about the history and ecology of the river and i.