Scientists at Southwest Research Institute have developed a new screening method to identify drug formulations that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB), to facilitate treatment of brain diseases and conditions. The BBB protects the brain and central nervous system from potentially harmful substances in the bloodstream, regulating the transport of essential nutrients and ions while maintaining the stability of the central nervous system. However, the very characteristics that make the BBB such an effective protector also pose significant challenges to the delivery of therapeutic agents to treat various neurological disorders.

" Nicholas McMahon, Research Engineer, Pharmaceuticals and Bioengineering Department, Southwest Research Institute SwRI has developed a technique to measure the permeation rates of molecules passing into the brain. By mimicking the interaction of pharmaceuticals with the BBB's dynamic, highly regulated processes, researchers can understand how to override the brain's natural defenses to support the development of targeted pharmaceutical treatments for neurological conditions and diseases. "Our lab models offer an efficient, cost-effective and reproducible means of studying the molecular and cellular interactions at the BBB while avoiding the ethical and logistical issues associated with in vivo studies," said Principal Scientist Dr.

Mike Rubal, the lead on the project. The Institute leverages multidisciplinary pharmaceutical and bioengineering rese.