Misha Lakhani One of the most prominent names in fashion, Misha Lakhani has upped her skills in a significant and palpable way in the past few years. It is not surprising that her market has expanded. When she releases a new collection, it sells out faster than anyone’s imagination.

Her Spring Couture collection from 2024, featuring soft palettes and stylish contours, stands out. Each design is lined with a bright burst of blooms, tipped with green—fragrant, mystical, and mesmerizing. It is this very quality of spring that Misha Lakhani captured so softly, cementing her observations into ensembles that seem to speak on her behalf.

Her website offers a diverse range of options, from complete traditional outfits to curated collections such as occasion-wear and artisanal everyday pieces. Depending on whether you’re looking for traditional craft or a blend of old, modern, and experimental styles, there’s something for everyone. Manto Manto is a Pakistani fashion label that embraces the idea of smart, casual clothing that can easily work in formal and professional settings.

For Manto, customer satisfaction has always been a priority. Simple designs with decent pricing and excellent customer service have made Manto a cherished brand. From their stoles, odhnis, and shawls to kurtas , pajamas, co-ord sets (and much more since their initial launch), everything they sell is made in Pakistan.

A rebellious streak is at the heart of many of its designs, and as Manto has always sai.