'Not in my backyard': EV-phobia spreads across Korea Published: 08 Aug. 2024, 19:09 SARAH CHEA chea.sarah@joongang.

co.kr An EV charging station with a notice saying ′′Not operational′′ in an underground parking lot in a commercial building in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi, on Wednesday, amid growing public fears after a Mercedes-Benz explosion in Incheon last week. [NEWS1] [NEWS IN FOCUS] “I will never buy EVs, and won’t even park my car near EVs,” said Kim Jung-ki, a man in his 50s living in Yongin, Gyeonggi.

Fueled by a recent Mercedes explosion in an underground parking garage in Incheon, Kim joins a growing chorus of potential car buyers in the country fearful of the once-touted vehicle type, a trend that even inspired claims of "EV-phobia" in local headlines. Related Article EV fire fears stoke consideration for battery detail disclosure policy Exploded Mercedes EV had battery from China's Farasis Energy, gov't says Mystery of Mercedes EV explosion’s cause sparks fear of similar ignitions CCTV footage shows a Mercedes-Benz EV exploding at an underground parking lot in Incheon last week. [YONHAP] EVs are increasingly shunned by Korean consumers, with some outspoken in their opposition to EVs entering the parking garages below their residences, offices and commercial buildings.

“EV batteries and charging stations have a high risk of catching fire, which can claim human lives and cause massive damage," Kim added. A notice from an apartment complex in southern Seoul r.