If you’re struggling to get comfortable at night then an adjustable bed could be the answer. Adjustable bed frames let you find your ideal sleeping position simply by elevating certain parts of your body. They have tons of benefits, from alleviating health issues to reducing snoring, and can even make watching TV from your bed more comfortable.

But if you’ve got the perfect mattress and want to upgrade to an adjustable bed then it may not be as easy as simply switching your bed frame. That's because not all mattresses have the bend and flex required by an adjustable base, including some of this year's best mattresses for all sleepers. And if the bed can't bend, your adjustable base becomes any other platform frame.

This guide will explore the benefits of upgrading to an adjustable bed — and why you might need to upgrade your mattress as well. If it turns out that your current mattress just won’t work (or it's old and needs replacing) now is a great time to invest in a new bed. This year’s Labor Day mattress sales have deals on some of our favorite mattresses, with options for all budgets and bed bases.

But for now, let's explore why not all mattresses are compatible with adjustable beds. What is an adjustable bed? An adjustable bed uses a motorized base to lower or raise the head and feet sections. This allows you to achieve customized sleep positions, which can improve comfort levels as well as alleviate health issues including back pain and acid reflux.

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