Princess Martha Louise, the daughter of Norway ’s King Harald, has claimed she was haunted by the ghost of a Nazi SS general who shot himself in her bedroom. The 52-year-old recalled the chilling moment she was throttled by the former soldier as she spoke on the 'Modern Royalty' podcast. Waffen SS General Wilhelm Rediess had lived in the royal family's Skaugum Castle during the German occupation of Norway during World War II .

He committed suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound upon the collapse of the Third Reich in Norway on 8 May 1945 Now Martha, 52, has said that she was regularly haunted by Rediess for years as a teenager, as the former general used to appear to her in her bedroom every night and stare at her. She told the 'Modern Royalty' podcast: "When I moved into this room, I became terribly afraid of the dark. And there was a man staring at me.

" She continued: "I told everyone. Every night, my nannies or my parents would look behind the curtains, pull them back and say, 'Look, there is no one behind the curtains. There is no one here'.

" Martha admitted she was not aware of the full horrific truth about her haunting, until decades later when her father, now King Harald V, revealed the room's disturbing past. She said that when she spoke about the paranormal experience with her father, he told her: "Oh, that's the room where the Nazi general took his own life." Martha Louise told the podcast she thought: "It's only now that you are telling me this?" Rediess, who .