Plans to create a 24-bedroom golf lodge in Northop Country Park have been approved after concerns about stray golf balls were addressed. The proposals were submitted by Paddock Inns Ltd, which runs the Celtic Arms near Northop Golf Club, in July last year. The company said it would help to boost the business after it struggled during the Covid pandemic.

Two letters of objection were received against the application because of fears over the risk of stray golf balls from the neighbouring course hitting pedestrians and vehicles. However, the scheme has now been given the green light by a planning official from Flintshire Council after a health and safety assessment had been carried out to address the issue. (Image: Flintshire Council planning documents) In a report, Mark Harris said: “The principle of the proposed development which supplements existing tourism and recreational facilities at Northop Country Park is supported subject to the safeguarding of relevant development management considerations.

“Amended plans submitted in progression of the application have secured an improved design. “The application is also supported by a health and safety risk assessment recognising it is located adjacent to the Northop Country Park Golf Course. “It is important to ensure that any development secures the retention of existing trees and hedgerows, secures biodiversity net benefit and a satisfactory drainage strategy.

These can be secured by the imposition of planning conditions.