The GoFundMe by Richard Douglas says: “I was diagnosed at the age of 3 and since then have progressively lost the ability to move my body. "This means I am unable to do everyday tasks like eating, showering and controlling my wheelchair without the help of my carers. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Belfast News Letter, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more.

"It also means I have complex medical needs which need monitoring 24/7 and I have been completely ventilator dependant for the last five years.” He adds that “there are many people who like me have additional needs and are unable to walk” meaning they need “additional specialised equipment” to help them get through the day. This equipment could include a hospital type bed, air flow mattresses, specialised supportive shower chairs and a hoist which allows us to be transferred from a wheelchair into bed or the bathroom.

He added that the reason for his appeal is because “currently there is no seaside holiday accommodation in Northern Ireland that provides this equipment in their accessible rooms” which means that people like Richard “cannot have a vacation with their family, friends and carers in Northern Ireland”. Advertisement Advertisement He added that whilst he has been able to enjoy short holidays in Donegal , there is nothing similar in Northern Ireland "O.