Individuals in the National Card program still have to undergo thorough checks to enter Hungary. The inclusion of Russian and Belarusian citizens in the National Card program does not pose any security risk for the Schengen area, as they will continue to be subjected to comprehensive checks for entry and stay in Hungary, said Peter Szijjarto. The Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade said on his social media page that "all statements to the contrary by my pro-war colleagues in Northern Europe and the Baltics are outright lies".

We regret to see that our Northern European and Baltic colleagues continue their campaign of lies against Hungary, the FM said, noting that although the behavior is not uncommon from pro-war politicians, such disregard for the facts is still alarming. Cover photo: Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI/Lajos Soos) A téma legfrissebb hírei "Brussels Needs a Radical Change in Migration Policy" MEP Tamas Deutsch sends a strong message. Festival of Folk Arts Opens Today in Budapest This year's theme highlights the Turkish influence in Hungarian folk art.

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