Sunday, August 25, 2024 Northeast China is seeing a surge in summer tourism as visitors seek cooler escapes amid record heatwaves, turning once snowy landscapes into popular retreats. Standing before the icy fragments clinging to a cliff, Liu Zhuohui from Shanghai was exhilarated. He praised his wise choice to escape the oppressive summer heat by visiting a geological forest park in Northeast China.

After a successful ice-and-snow season last winter, attractions in northeast China, once famous for their stunning winter landscapes, are now enjoying increased popularity during the summer months. This season, severe heatwaves have gripped southern, eastern, and central China, causing concern. In July, temperatures at 59 national weather stations soared to match or exceed historical records, making the summer especially difficult for those in the southern and eastern areas.

Data from the travel platform Mafengwo reveals that it’s becoming popular for Chinese travelers to spend their summer vacations in the northeastern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang. Besides well-known tourist destinations like Dalian and Harbin, smaller cities such as Yichun, Dandong, Benxi, Jinzhou, Qiqihar, and Huludao are also attracting visitors. Similar to the boost in winter tourism during the Chinese Lunar New Year, the two-month summer break has led to increased demand for cooler destinations in the northeast.

The provinces are taking advantage of this trend to enhance their tourism sec.