A HOTEL boss who started out washing pots in the kitchen is spearheading a major expansion plan and a £2million plan to cut carbon. Everbright Hotel Group operations manager Nic Rowland, 38, revealed the award-winning hotel group is aiming to increase the number of properties in their portfolio from seven to 10 in North Wales and the north of England. The group was recently hailed as a trailblazer by the Net Zero North Wales Network for investing in green technology at the Llandudno Bay Hotel, where the carbon footprint was cut by 84 per cent and energy bills were slashed from a quoted £300,000 to £100,000.

Over the next few years the eco-friendly approach is set to be replicated across the group’s other hotels, the Belmont and the Queens in Llandudno, Rossett Hall, in Wrexham , the Wild Pheasant Hotel and Spa in Llangollen, the George Hotel in Penrith and Stonecross Manor in Kendal. It’s all a far cry from when Mr Rowland started as a wet-behind-the-ears, 15-year-old schoolboy washing pots at the Grade II listed Rossett Hall Hotel. Rossett Hall was bought in 2015 by the Everbright Group, which grew rapidly over subsequent years with the purchase of all the other hotels.

He said: “What I liked about working in a hotel was the buzz and the camaraderie with colleagues and you thrive off the positive feedback from customers. I just love it. “We’ve gone from one site in Rossett to seven individual properties in the space of eight years with more to come.

It’s been .