Wednesday, August 28, 2024 Revenue increased by 65% to USD 164.8 million 406,306 passengers carried in Q2 2024, up 99% Load factor increased by seven percentage points to 82% Revenue of USD 380 per passengers during quarter, compared to USD 425 in Q2 2023 Continued revenue growth from ACMI and charter Number of flights operated during quarter was 1,531, up 89% Strong operational performance as 99.5% of planned flights were completed during the quarter Lower unit cost with CASK ex fuel being down 35% Total cash held at end of quarter was USD 23.

7 million Revising business strategy, aiming to secure long-term charters and significant cost reductions Improved credit card terms secured post quarter-end Expect to be available on GDS in 2024 “The second quarter was a successful period for Norse from a growth perspective. Available Seat Kilometres was up 105%, the number of flights increased 89% and passengers were up 99% compared to the second quarter of 2023, while load factor increased by seven percentage points to 82%. As previously guided in the market update released on 2 July, the second quarter was impacted by lower fare levels across the industry, with revenue per passenger down 11% compared to the same quarter the prior year.

Following a strong Transatlantic market in summer 2023, many airlines increased capacity for 2024, leading to the softening of fares and impacting all carriers serving that market. From end of May we increased our fleet of own operated aircraft from.