Noon Tunes allows people of all experience, talent, and inspiration to play with other musicians who just want to create and belong in a fun way and in a fun environment. The Thursday jam sessions at Tinderbox Coffee Roasters — 113 E. Wishkah St.

, in Aberdeen — show the love that Harborites have for music. Whether they show up to the cafe for a coffee, tea or a baked good, people can sit down on the blue couches, grab a guitar, and use whatever instrument they have. Jane Sharp, who walked in on Thursday to grab a coffee, saw her long-time friend Adam Carter playing his mandolin.

She grabbed an acoustic guitar off the wall and started playing with him. Carter was switching between John Denver’s “Rocky Mountain High” and Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May.” He also played his own, original song “Northwest Country.

” Carter spoke about what he loves about Noon Tunes and how an open mic night in Montesano inspired him to write “Northwest Country.” “It’s just a time to come together with other local musicians to share ideas and to share songs,” Carter said. “I’m a songwriter and so I gain inspiration from the songs and words of others.

For example, my ‘Northwest Country’ song, that song came from an open mic night at Gepetto’s. (Clinton) ‘Dogger’ Mullins was playing there that night. He played a couple of his originals and they were talking about how much he appreciated where he grew up.

” Darrell Westmoreland, famed rock photographer who has doc.