Have you ever wondered what it's like to be romantically linked to the super wealthy? In these three Reddit threads , people who married or dated millionaires (and billionaires) revealed what it's actually like — and how their lives changed. Here are the most shocking stories: 1. "I dated a woman whose family was rather well-off.

I also worked with wealthy people for a while. She talked about visiting exotic parts of the world like it was nothing. They are knowledgeable about rich people's stuff, like Rolexes and yachts.

They all play golf, tennis, or both. They know international airports inside and out. They don't talk about money unless it's business or gossip.

They are generally very opinionated about how people should do stuff." " Unless it involves their business, money is no object to them. They mostly aren't frugal and never ask the price.

(Some stealth wealth people are the complete opposite.) They make a lot of time for their hobbies and to be with their kids." — u/lagrandesgracia 2.

"I married into a hugely wealthy family. My father-in-law was president of an international medical staffing firm. He retired three times from the company, and each time, he had a bigger retirement package.

My wife is cultured beyond belief, fluent in at least four languages, and has seen the world that most of us could only dream of seeing in our lifetimes. My wife is also one of the hardest working people I have ever met, and even with all the wealth, she actually practices charit.