Nollywood took centre stage recently as Netflix hosted its much-anticipated annual celebration, Lights, Camera...

Naija! an unforgettable night dedicated to honoring the pioneers, pillars, and players in the creative industry. The event was a brilliant showcase of the essence of Nollywood, merging the magic of film with spectacular fashion moments. Guests came in their cabaret chic outfits ranging from sequined gowns to bold tailored suits and were received by the night’s host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu.

True to his craft, Ebuka captivated attendees with his engaging commen- tary and flair, making the event all the more memorable. This year, Netflix celebrated the Pioneers; who are the practitioners who built the early iterations of Nollywood, the Pillars; who are the off-screen talent, and Players – the on-screen talent who delight and excite audiences. The event was also graced by the minister of arts, culture, tourism and creative economy, Barr.

Hannatu Musa Musawa, who was received by Ben Amadasun, Netflix VP of Content, Middle East and Africa. The event equally has in attendance stars that include Ramsey Nouah, Hilda Dokubo, Ibinabo Fiberesima, Prince Jide Kosoko, Kate Henshaw, Mildred Okwo, Shaffy Bello to mention but a few. It was an exciting night with live performances from music sensations Victony and Sharp band.

It is safe to pronounce this year’s edition of Lights, Camera...

Naija! a dazzling celebration of creativity, artistry, and community within Nollywood..