After nearly two decades away from the Nollywood scene, actress Bukky Wright is making a triumphant return and this time, she says, she’s here to stay. The veteran, who has spent over 15 years in the diaspora, recently revealed her plans to take on significant roles in the Nigerian film industry, signalling an exciting new chapter in her career. Reflecting on the experience of being back on set, she was filled with gratitude, particularly to the film’s director, Bukola Ogunsola, for making it possible.

“It felt really good. It actually gave me the opportunity to see all these people again. I haven’t seen them in years,” she said as she recounted reuniting with familiar faces in the industry.

Taking a nearly two-decade hiatus might seem daunting for most actors, but for Wright, acting is second nature. She believes her talent is innate, a gift she’s carried with her throughout her life. “Although I take on minor roles, but I’ll tell you one thing: if it’s inbuilt, then it’s inbuilt.

Nothing can take it away from you,” she said. Her performance in Something About the Briggs is a testament to this. This isn’t just a fleeting appearance for Wright; she’s committed to reigniting her career in Nigeria.

“I’ll stay. I’m going to do more movies in Nigeria here during my stay. I have more projects coming, and I’m here to stay,” she continued.

Her return marks a significant moment for Nollywood, which has evolved tremendously in her absence. With more.