Nobita Nobi Voice Artist Noriko Ohara Passes Away at 88 By On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the official website of 81 Produce declared that the Japanese actress and voice actress, . She died on Friday, July 12, 2024, while combating an illness. Ohara was famous for voicing various roles, including Nobita Nobi in , Conan in Future Boy Conan, and Chiro the Squirrel in The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun, to name a few.

声優・小原乃梨子さん死去 88歳 「ドラえもん」のび太の声などで知られる ?小原さん代表作 「ドラえもん」野比のび太 ※テレ朝版 (1979~2005)の初代声優 「未来少年コナン」コナン 「アルプスの少女ハイジ」ペーター 「ヤッターマン」ドロンジョ様...

Noriko Ohara death: What happened? Noriko Ohara’s agency, Produce 81, stated that she was suffering from an illness and eventually succumbed to it. . The voice actress’s family held a private funeral, but the official statement did not discuss the specifics of the mishap, including the particularities of the illness and death.

所属事務所の81プロデュースより発表となりましたとおり、去る7月12日に小原乃梨子は永眠いたしました。 長年にわたり温かな応援をしてくださったファンの皆様、創造的な活動をご一緒してくださったスタッフ、キャストの皆様に御礼を申し上げます。 ありか.