Although it’s not on our list of R-rated comedies that earn their R ratings , I’d say Tropic Thunder definitely qualifies. The controversial 2008 movie , which can be streamed with a Paramount+ subscription , follows a group of actors becoming stranded in the Vietnam jungle while shooting a movie about the Vietnam War. In the midst of all the swearing, gore and gunfire, Jack Black ’s Jeff Portnoy is shown going through drug withdrawal after losing his stash of “jelly beans” to a bat, and eventually he ends up tied to a water buffalo.

As it turns out, shooting the movie with this animal resulted in Black storming off the Tropic Thunder set, but fortunately, this story ends on a heartwarming note. Jack Black recounted the incident with the water buffalo while appearing on Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend . After the title host shared his story about the time he got on a water buffalo for his TBS show, was thrown off and ended up with a hematoma, Black confirmed that he’d gone through the same experience when he was working on Tropic Thunder in Kaua’i, Hawaii.

The School of Rock alum admitted that he’s “afraid of animals,” so he was understandably concerned about being put onto the water buffalo for a scene. He continued: I had been assured everything’s cool, so I got off the back of it, and I’m supposed to come around the bend on this mountain path, and I’m just in my underpants. I think I’m strapped to the buffalo because I’m going through drug with.