“Intolerance, violence and discrimination” will not be tolerated in Bolton , town hall leaders say after the weekend’s disturbances. Several people have now been brought before the courts after heated scenes erupted in Victoria Square on Sunday afternoon after far right and counter protesters were kept apart by police. Bolton Council leader Cllr Nick Peel has commended the work of police and council officers in “managing a very challenging situation.

” He said: "While everyone has a right to express their views, that must be done peacefully, constructively and responsibly. “Violence and disorder will never be tolerated in Bolton and the actions of the few are not representative of the values of our town. Police in the town centre (Image: Henry Lisowski) "Any form of intolerance, violence and discrimination is not welcome in Bolton and those who acted unlawfully will be brought to justice.

” The events in Bolton and across the country have also been condemned by the borough’s trade unionists. Bolton Unison branch secretary Andrea Egan said: "For me this is a trade union issue, the trade union movement isn't just about workers in the work place, its about our community. "Many of the people who have been targeted will have been union members and they need to know that their union will be protecting them.

" Ms Egan said that her union would work to support who felt under threat just as it campaigns on other community and equalities issues. She said: "We have to come .